Saturday, January 17, 2009

Cornermagz Global Academy Commercial

私のこのブログ「Downtown Global Academy」ですが,ストリートマガジンの Corner Magazine に「Cornermagz Global Academy」として連載させて頂いています.そちらのコマーシャルが出来ましたので,是非チェックお願いします.

This blog, Downtown Global Academy, has been published serially as "Cornermagz Global Academy" in Corner Magazine. And a commercial of the magazine has just came out. Have a look.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Introduction South Asia 101B: Bangalore, India

courtesy of Ashleigh M. Curry

Aug. 2004 - Dec. 2004
Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Introduction South Asia 101B: Bangalore, India


004. Toilet manner

Aright, here we have this famous "untouchable left hand". Now you can try at your home.

First you need to know is that Indian style, same as China style and Japanese style, you don't sit on a toilet seat. There is no toilet seat. You just squat down and do your thing. Then, after you took a schaitze, grab a fixed pail and ladle out water with right hand. While you are squatted down, pour slowly from your back and gently wash off your asshole by using tip of left hands' fingers. And wait a lico bit to get it dry. That's it.

It really makes so much sense tho. At the mean time, you can palpate a condition of anal too. And when you become used to it, you would think using toilet paper makes no sense anymore.

It's like no waste of resource, skin friendly, and totally clean. However, if this gets popularity among develop nations like Japan or become world wide, it wouldn't be so all good especially for those involved with toilet paper industry. Plus, Japanese toilet cultures got use of heated washlet too. So we already have industrial concessions and it has become our custom. hmm.

005. Vegetarians

I've been asked by so many saying "Indians only eat curry, right?" Ok, then Japanese only eat Sushi, just like North Americans only eat hamburgers. it's like this mush of mislead information and is totally prejudice.

India is known for vegetarians' paradise since the majority of population doesn't eat animal meat for their religious, cultural and custom reasons. I don't even remember where at a market animal meat was sold. If you wanna eat meat in India, you gotta go to an appropriate restaurant and find "Non-Vegetarians" section on a menu. Usually those meat were Mutton and Chicken as far as I remember.

South Indians actually use so many herbs and spices to cook all sort of dishes like grill, stew, boil, stir fry, deep fry, all sort. When you eat, simply use three fingers, thumb, index finger and middle finger. However, I wasn't experienced so I used four fingers, three plus my third finger.

Using your fingers on a plate, you mix rice and dishes into a mouthful size. You never worry about getting burn coz you touch food before eating. And it actually emphasize the taste of food since "touch" stimulate your appetite. You smell, see, touch, and taste. It just enjoy the food. Our five senses functions amazing. Even now, when I go to an Indian restaurant in Tokyo, I eat with my right hand.

As for me, I was so Indianized that I went by vegetarian style for almost all the way. Maybe I had mutton curry a few times, that's it.

By the way, big activist man of Indian independence from British colonization, famous non-violence style Mahatma Gandhi was a vegetarian too.

006. Summary

India, where you can feel the dynamics of humanity and Asian energy, is very much appealing. We Japanese have so much in common, culture, religion and philosophy. I felt like any culture aspects there were deep and unique. I really want anybody, specially we the Far East Asians, to go visit India.

Today's Indian influence and appearance are way strong in international scene, market, network, whatever you name those relations. They got over 1.1billions of population. Laboring back up is way far out. So, get to know India, you loose nothing. This is a good opportunity, so why don't you start by eating food with right hand.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Introduction South Asia 101A: Bangalore, India

courtesy of Annie Myers

Aug. 2004 - Dec. 2004
Bangalore, Karantaka, India

Happy New Year 2k9, Feliz Año Nuevo!

Caring yuh passion and volition for yuh contry, region and the world, everybody we grow up together. Aright, today's topic is about South Asia, India.

Known as the original country of curry and Buddhism, India is one of the rising nations today. Bangalore is where I lived, and it is one of the important cities fo South Asia.

Introduction South Asia 101A: Bangalore, India

001. General Information

Over 1.1bilions of population. Size ranked in 7th biggest country in the world, that is about 9 times bigger than Japan. There are Himalaya and glaciers up north, and it's so tropical down south. As original place of the Indus civilization, India's rich history and culture are well known. Even tho they have more than 20 official languages, English and Hindi are the common ones. So the key word to India is "multi national, language and religious society". All kinds of people live so close.

Interesting ting is that a concept of number zero (0) is said to be originated in India, and mathematics was developed there from lontime ago. Maybe because of this background, many Indian people play important roles in IT industry like Intel.

002. Religion

Unique local majors are Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Other famous religions in India like Islam, Christianism and Zoroastrianism are basically outsiders. Every religions got different rules but basically everyday is religious. Seems like life itself is religion.

By seeing those who believe in one God, or many symbolic Gods and Goddesses, or trying to become living-god by religious practice, even praying totally naked, and avoiding eating animal meat, there are so many religious values and ways of expressing faith. As I am one who doesn't follow any published-religoius format, question by a monotheism man "you don't believe in god?" was kinda irritating. Respect others faith, no?

003. People

Oh oh ohhhh, every Indian cities you go, you hit people, and people crowded people, packed, jamed... you name whatever words describe way sooo many people inna di place. It was like NYC Time Square wkend evening or Tokyo Shibuya's scramble crossing wkend evening. Those crowd were all Indians rooted various background of so-called Middle East, South East Asia, Himalaya mountains, East Europe/West Asia, Nomads... seriously it was like all kinds of Asians and people around Asia co-live together. Of course many East Asian a.k.a. Chino were there too.

Staffs at my neighboring cafe/restaurant, where I had Masala Dosa or Puri for breakfast almost everyday, assumed that I was a buddhist from mountain areas like Manipur, Tibet or somewhere in Himalaya.

One thing I remember something awkward through communicting those locals is their way of treating me. When I was alone, they were really friendly (coz they assumed I was an Indian). But when I was with my US college friends who are pretty much all white, they kind of looked nervous and were talking to us so formal like " yes sir" style. Why so different?

My British friend told me that British colonization system is still in their mentality... hmm, history.

Anyway, those locals' dressing style may be reflected by their religion and/or class, yet I saw many young generation and neo-middle class wear jeans and sneakers.

Many Bagalore locals speak more than two languages coz the city is on the border line of two states, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. So sometime you can see signs with 4 languages, Hindi, English, Kannada and Tamil.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

南アジア入門 101B: バンガロール,インド

courtesy of Ashleigh M. Curry

Aug. 2004 - end of Dec. 2004
Bangalore, Karnataka, India

南アジア入門 101B: バンガロール,インド




手順ですが、排泄後は右手を使い備え付けの小さな桶で水を汲み、しゃがんだ状態で後ろからゆっくり流します、そし て左手指先で後ろから優しくウォッシング。同時に肛門の状態も触診チェックアップできるし、慣れればトイレットペーパーがノンセンスに思えるぐらい.

それはもう,無駄無し・ 肌に優しく・とても清潔。実際これがもし日本で世界で普及してしまうと,トイレットペーパー屋さんは商売上がったりだからね.特に日本トイレ文化では,紙に加えて電気も消費してるから利権と習慣がドーンとあるね.

005. 菜食主義者たち


多種多様なハーブやスパイスを使って,各種の煮込み・焼き・揚げ・炒め・和え料理が楽しめる南インド食事は右手指先のみで頂くスタイル。親指,人差し指,そして中指の 3本でいただくのが理想ですが,私はエキスパートじゃないので,プラス薬指の 4本指使って食べてました.


そして文化・宗教・慣習上の理由で食肉しない人達がほとんどのインドではベジタリアンパラダイス。食事はほとんどじゃないかな?市場のどこで動物の肉を売ってたかも記憶に無い.なので肉を食べる人は,レストラン入ってメニューの隅っこにある「Non-Vegetarian Menu」を探す必要がある。マトンだったりチキンだったりが多かった気がする.




さあこれからは,教育も充実して各種産業が半端なく世界中でハバを利かせてくるであろう大国インド.人口 11億人以上ですよ.労働力のバックアップが桁違い.日本にとってもインドにとっても相互交流は重要事項。これを機会に,まずは右手指先で食事を頂くトコロから始めませんか?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

南アジア入門 101A: バンガロール,インド

courtesy of Annie Myers

Aug. 2004 - Dec. 2004
Bangalore, Karantaka, India

謹賀新年2K9Happy New Year, Feliz Año Nuevo! ゆるぎないモノを大事に日本でアジアで世界で、今年も皆お互いに成長していきましょう。アーライ、それで今日はアジアの南側、インドの話。


南アジア入門 101A: バンガロール,インド

001. 一般情報



002. 宗教たち


つの神様を信仰する者、多数のシンボル的神様を信仰する者、修行を重ねることで自分が生き神様へと到達しようとする者、全裸でお祈りする者や食肉しない者 など、多様な信仰のあり方や宗教観がある印象を持ちましたね.「あなたは神様を信じないのですか?」なんてのを出会ってすぐにぶつけてくる人間もいたりし た.

003. 人々



んなローカル達とのコミュニケーションで印象に残ってるのは、私が一人だと特に冷たくもなくフレンドリーでもないが、白人と一緒のときは必要以上に格式 ばっていた。「イエッサー、かしこまりました」みたいな感じ。「イギリス統治時代の主従システムが今も染み付いている」らしい。


